This Hapeh has been hand-made by cacique (chief) Univu Kuntanawa an old and very powerful Paje (shaman) of the Kuntanawa people.
This Hapéh has been made with the bark of the sacred vine as well as the ashes of the Tsunu tree. While this product is nothing like the healing brew, the presence of the vine makes this blend an excellent means of connecting with the spirit of the vine. Furthermore, the presence of Tsunu ash makes this blend a powerful energetic cleanser and is both powerful as well as invigorating. The Kuntanawa will use this hapeh to achieve higher levels of concentration, while they meditate on their spirituality.
Please note this product is non-psychoactive and is not the tea brew.
Glass vial contains 10 or 20 grams of powder. Good for connecting to the spirit of the Amazon and the spirit of the sacred plants.