Hapéh made by the Huin Kuin (True People) of the Brazillian Amazon. Contains bark of the Cacao tree as well as other plants.
Cacao is a plant that is now found all over the world in the form of chocolate. Many cultures of central and south America have had a relationship with cacao for thousands of years using it for currency, food, and spiritual offerings. The Huni Kuin people use the bark of the cacao tree in their Hapé (Hapéh ) for it's healing properties that primarily facilitate energetic cleansing and rebalancing. Working with this hapéh is akin to going through an energetic car wash.
This hapéh was made by Nawa Huni Kuin of the Txana Huya Huni Kuin community. Nawa comes from a community located relatively close to the Amazonian urban center of Tarauaca, and like many other communities, his is one of the ones that does not receive much support from NGO’s or the Brazilian government. Currently, Nawa’s community is working to raise funds in order to limit trips into urban areas to buy essential supplies. We are honored here at The Rainbow Bridge to support these communities by supporting indigenous artisans so that they may be able to financially safeguard themselves from the current global situation.
Glass vial contains 10 or 20 grams of powder. Good for connecting to the spirit of the Amazon and the spirit of the sacred plants.