Hapéh made by Hukena Yawanawa, the daugher of Hushahu Yawananwa of Centro Awavana community. Hukena is the descendant of an unbroken lineage of Huni Kuin Pajes (Shamans) and is a young leader in his village. Made with a variety of different plants including Tsunu bark ash. This blend has a very high amount of Tsunu ash.
This is one of our strongest blends with the highest master plant content. Tsunu is a tree similar to Murici, in that it attracts many birds to it. When used in hapeh Tsunu is very good for general energetic cleansing, introspective work, curing headaches as well as colds, cleansing of the intestines and cleansing of the thoughts. Hapéh made with Tsunu can often be very invigorating and have a certain aromatic sweetness.
Glass vial contains 10 or 20 grams of powder. Good for connecting to the spirit of the Amazon and the spirit of the sacred plants.